Become a member of PTK Enterprises today. You will not only get exclusives from our upcoming events but you will be surrounded by others who share the desire to make our community better not just for today but for generations to come.

PTK (Praises to the King) Enterprises, LLC is an umbrella organization for several endeavors with the primary focus being the empowerment of individuals and the establishment of positive community relations working together to obtain mutual and long lasting benefits for all.
betterplace.org is an online platform for social engagement that connects people who need help accomplishing their mission with people who are eager to help. Teaching low performing school children to improve on their grades in rural areas whose parents income is low and the four major components of the program are: Homework assistance, Extra tuition (Maths,Eng, Science and IT) and Sports. It is very easy to participate: Just chip in a few Euros and support a good cause.